Alternate Universe Lostwave Wiki

The original cassette recording uploaded by Ja

The original song, "Ruby of the Wild West" - Shrojack Þ. Nonsoyn

Ruby of the Wild West, formerly known as Strange County Music, is a formerly Unidentified song. It has no counterpart in our universe. It is from Universe GOL582Ψ.


Former Placeholder Name - Strange Country Music

Status - Solved

Searched Since - 2075

Solved - 2079 (4 years)

Genre - Country Instrumental

OP - Ja


The Webs-Vpipe video which Ruby of the Wild West was first found, titled "Mysterious Song #2" uploaded by Ja for her mysterious song compilation has the following in the description:

"I found this on a very cracked cassette tape in a pile of snow. I don't think this one will be found, but it's worth a shot. If you know any information about this song, please tell me".

Search History[]

After the initial Webs-Vpipe video, a now-deleted user commented "I'll upload an AI-made quality improved version".

The AI-made version didn't change much, but the banjo was a lot clearer, which then started the subreddit, r/strangecountrymusic. The subreddit has a lot of Hoax and debunked leads. However, a moderator, WyaUser, announced that she had contacted a thought to be fake lead, who shared the original song. That lead was Shrojack Þ. Nonsoyn.
