Rschsch ('Blue Eyes') is an Unidentified super short and low quality snippet of a pop song.
Search History[]
On July 15th, 2040, Russian user Щистя (shistya) uploaded a snippet to Watzatsong under "Pop" and "Goliushi".
Щистя gave Watzatsong the following information:
"Found this song on a bootleg tape of supposed "never-before-heard" songs from the band Snouts.
Sorry about the very short snippet and low quality. It came to me in this way."
Later, she uploaded "Rschsch" and the other tracks in the previously mentioned bootleg tape, which was given the name "Snouts - Rare Wonders".
Blue Eyes-
It's believed that the bootleggers intentionally distorted the song to try to prevent people from noticing that the song was not made by Snouts. It's unkown why they cut the song into an extremely short snippet, but it could be that, only a tiny part of the song, was believed by the bootleggers to be close enough to possibly get away with the false claim that it was made by the band Snouts.
Debunked Leads:
Þeal Faricari
Aksiþia Yona
Un-debunked Leads:
Discovery About The Song[]
On April 3000, it was discovered that "Rschsch" sampled the song "Gilorma" by "Snouts", which may be a reason why the bootleggers chose this song to use as a "Snouts song".