Alternate Universe Lostwave Wiki

In the lostwave community of Universe GOL582Ψ, there's a few notable people in the community.


Ja is a woman native to Goliushia who is known for her small collection of Lostwave songs, and her help with searching for many of them.


"Mi Shsch Sex (I'm not gone idiots) - Gw after being un-terminated due to false copyright strikes.

Gw is like the q/Ziro of Universe GOL582Ψ, who is known for contributing a lot to the searches for many lostwaves, most notably, his help with making Snouts - Rare Wonders more known in the community, which has greatly increased its chance of getting identified. He has uploaded many other lostwave songs to Webs-Vpipe to increase the knowledge of the searches.

1000061082 (5)

Gw's Webs-Vpipe profile picture
