Alternate Universe Lostwave Wiki

The original audio sample

"No Chance" - Niks Astþley official song.

No Chance, formerly known as There's No Chance, is a formerly Unidentified song. It is by Niks Astþley. It is Universe GOL582Ψ's version of "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley.


Genre - Pop

Status - Identified

OP - Deleted user

Searched Since - 2060

Solved - 2084 (24 years)


You and me have thought about ourselves for so long

Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it

We have an idea and love what is happening

You knew our game and you know it

And if you ask me

Don't tell me you're blind

There's no chance that I will stop giving in to you

Never gonna let you feel down

There's no chance that I will make you cry

Zero lies Will come from my voice

And hurt you

Ah No Chance Ah No Chance

Ah No Chance No No no chance

{Repetition of underlined text 4×}

I am not a weird guy in love

My parents made the rules so I reversed it

The best thing to do is a dedicated art Peice

We've been searching for the gold

You can see it's your one and only chance to get the gold

No one knows where it's from


The now deleted user on Reddit said this about the origins:

"Heard this really catchy song while watching a comedy TV show, "The Nyompsons", as soon as I heard it, it has been stuck in my head, please, please, PLEASE, anyone! Find it!"


AI Theory: a debunked Theory that the song was AI generated, due to the weird voice, but, after the complete song was found, it was very obvious that the theory was completely wrong.

Smooth Dimension Theory: a debunked Theory that the song was from the popular 2060-2090 pop band, Smooth Dimension, but a member of the band later denied even hearing such song. This was mainly due to the instrumental sounding like a song from them.

Lie Theory: a debunked Theory that the song's OP actually had the full and official song, but for an unknown reason, lied about not having it. It was very easy to find the big issues with this Theory.
