Alternate Universe Lostwave Wiki

"Gzing Ylre Lrlingl" - Unknown

Gzing Ylre Lrlingl is a mysterious song from Universe GOL582Ψ, to be specific, a dubstep song.


Status - Unsolved

OP - Ρεβσα and Γαδεφ

Genre - Dubstep

Placeholder Name - Gzing Ylre Lrlingl/Gzing/Ylre Lrlingl

Searched Since - 2030


original (not English)

Gzing Ylre Lrlingl


Yesterday was you

Search History[]

Γαδεφ and Ρεβσα, on July 16th, 2060, uploaded a video to Webs-Vpipe called "Dubstep Song With Lyrics - Unknown Artist, Please Identify", with the following in the description:

"We were playing a 2020 video game, "Diagonal Movement Obstacle Course", when we heard this. We recorded it in hope that someone knows who made the song."

This is what caused thousands of discussions in the comment section, none have came to any good conclusion. All have been debunked.

Now, it has been considered a "lost cause".

Other Images[]

