Alternate Universe Lostwave Wiki

As If You Were, also known as As If You Were The Speed Of Light, is a mysterious song from Universe GOL582Ψ.


OP - Dreriuz SH

Genre - Rock

Status - Unsolved

Searched Since - 3000


According to Dreriuz SH, he heard the song on some radio station, but didn't specify which one. It's believed that it could've been the radio station "Mortfecher Rudvunk", which is known to have partnered with many adult movie production studios, and that might be why Dreriuz SH refused to elaborate.


As If You Were The Speed Of Light

You came bolting

Grasp the price of adulthood

Area is gone

The next time is gone

Understanding of each other is gone Purchase it Purchase out Purchase it Purchase out Purchase it Purchase out

Or the day will be forever gone

As if you are the speed of light You came bolting you are going some places

A frown can be your companion

Area is gone

The next time is gone

Understanding of each other is gone

Purchase it Purchase out Purchase it Purchase out Purchase it Purchase out

Joy is yours drank a bit we must picture us
