Alternate Universe Lostwave Wiki

Araæp̈ Гиshи Πygwęks Ssh, "Phonemes That Shock The Surface", is an Unidentified and unkown song from Universe GOL582Ψ.


OP - All Unkown 30's


The snippet of the song was uploaded to Watzatsong. According to the OP, All Unkown 30's, when in their great grandfather's attic, she found a creepy-looking children's toy with the song.


Original (in Goliushi)[]

Araæp̈ Гиshи Πygwęks Ssh

English translation[]

Phonemes that shock the surface

Alternative lyrics[]

Alternative version 1[]

And They train us

Alternative version 2[]

Also Sush!

Searched History[]

On September 1st, 3018, user All Unkown 30's uploaded a sample to Watzatsong under "Rock" and "Goliushi", saying "found this playing on a creepy kid's toy in my great grandfather's attic, very obviously damaged over time." It didn't get much attention for some time, until All Unkown 30's reposted it, and it got popular, leading to a cult following. One user, Neuh201, posted a lead, proposing it being by the band NGRRT , but was disproven later, specially 2 years later. As of right now, many similar leads are not disproven nor confirmed.
