@CoconutNutGrenade @276E , I don't know who gave me the warning. But, I don't think I vandalized, so can you tell me more please? Thanks!
I haven't opened this wiki in weeks, idk who did that since I'm the only active admin/bureaucrat. Maybe it was a bot?
Yeah probably.
Also, I have made a lot of pages because I find this wiki fun.
I'm online here too, but not so much.
I do not know how to make articles in the fandom, so I will probably write articles directly in the chat, lol
(I am the universe 30MH btw)
@AngleOffSet and I'm the Universe GOL582Ψ
@AngleOffSet Project 30MH on PC click the 3 vertical dots in the corner of the article page and click "create new page". idk how on mobile though.
I have already made like 16 pages
What do you think?